
Oh, What a Lovely War(ship)!: Ranking the Star Wars Armada Ships by Personal Enjoyment

Well we've got another cleverly titled post on this totally not forgotten blog (and if you don't get the reference, culture yourself). With user @bigspender42002 on Crabbok's Discord server asking if there is a "ship ranking system" about what is and isn't good, I was inspired to make this list. But because of the fact that almost every single ship and ship variant has some competitive viability, I decided it would be more fun to rank the ships by chassis (not variant, as that would more than double my number of things to rank, which, ugh) based on how much fun that I personally  have flying them in this game. I should also note that even if I love using a ship in my lists does not necessarily mean that I think it's a "fun" ship per se. (Bonus points if you can tell what my favorite faction is).  Also, this was started before the Rapid Reinforcements I came out, and I'm not gonna stop to add a review for ships but in a different faction. Mayb...

We Weren't Expecting Rapid Reinforcements

 Well, that sure was an announcement. In case you missed it, here's a link: Rapid Reinforcements New ships for each faction, each pulled from different faction, and a new squad for most of the factions (sorry CIS). It's "print and play", so no additional purchase is required. That, for me, is a point in its favor. Not needing to make any new purchases is great. These ships utilize the same cardboard that comes with the ship expansion, so no worries there. There's changes to squadron values, maneuver charts, and upgrade bars, but dice, shields, and firing arcs aren't affected. So let's take a look at what came out, starting with the ships.  Venator II-class Star Destroyer A relic of ages past for the Galactic Empire, the Venator II received some changes. First off, it's unique, so you can only take one of them in your Imperial lists. Squadron value has been dropped to 3 (because Sloane really did not need a Squadron 5 combat carrier), and the upgrade b...

Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Common Armada Acronyms

LTTs. AFFM. FCT. OE. If you've spent time in the Armada community, chances are you've come across a slew of acronyms that you're probably not familiar with. And chances are you've been confused by them at some point, turning to either someone more experienced or the ever-wonderful ShrimpBot on Discord for an explanation. This post is going to be a continually-updated reference for players to look at to find out what acronyms mean and help to learn the Armada shorthand that's so common. ABN: Always Be Navving/Navigating, a common phrase of advice ACMs: Assault Concussion Missiles, ordnance  AF/AFMK2: Assault Frigate/Assault Frigate Mark II, a rebel ship APTs: Assault Proton Torpedoes, ordnance AFFM!: All Fighters Follow Me!, a fleet command AP: Advanced Projectors, a defensive retrofit AST/Aux Shields: Auxiliary Shields Team, a support team ATN: Advanced Transponder Net, an offensive retrofit BCC: Bomber Command Center, a fleet support  BT: Boarding Troopers, a weapo...

Started From the Bottom: Fleetbuilding Tips for Beginners

 There's no way around it, listbuilding is an essential part of Armada. It's intrinsic to the experience of the game, know which upgrades you want and how they help your fleet achieve victory. But with hundreds of upgrades and a plethora of ships for each faction, building your first 400 point fleet can be an overwhelming experience. This article is my friendly attempt to explain some of the broad concepts of fleetbuilding for the newer or more inexperienced players of the game. Let me clarify: THIS IS NOT A DEFINITIVE GUIDE ON HOW TO EXACTLY BUILD YOUR FLEET.  This is just some tips on how to get started.  Step 1: Getting an Idea The first step to fleetbuilding is having an initial idea. For a new player, it may be something as simple as "I want to use an Imperial-class Star Destroyer" or "I want to run a lot of squadrons", but for an experienced player, it may be "I want to make this particular combination of cards work" or "how can I includ...

A Game Divided: A Breakdown of Factions in Star Wars Armada

 One of the common questions I see asked by new players to Armada is "what do the factions do"/"which faction is the best"? And every time I give a similar answer, always aiming to be helpful but always too vague to be truly helpful I feel due to the platform I'm engaging on (most often Discord). So this post will attempt to be a more comprehensive breakdown of how the different factions in Star Wars Armada function.  So Which Faction is the Best? I did say I'd answer that, so I'll get it out of the way. And the answer is (drum roll please).... All of them.  "But TheRealNeal, surely one faction reigns supreme in the meta!" Maybe. Sure you can argue that the Galactic Civil War factions of Rebels and Imperials are the best due to the fact that they have eight waves of ships and an extra two waves of cards and all of that time for people to practice with those factions. However the Clone Wars factions are no pushovers themselves, and FFG did a goo...

Alert All Commands! Announcing a new Star Wars Armada blog!

 Hello and welcome all Star Wars Armada players! On this blog I will be posting my own thoughts on various ships, squadrons, and upgrades, as well as discussing games I've played, tactics used by myself and others, and even posts on community suggestions! It may be a while before I get around to fleshing out this blog (as I've just started my fourth year of college), but hopefully I'll be getting content out for you guys soon!