Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Common Armada Acronyms

LTTs. AFFM. FCT. OE. If you've spent time in the Armada community, chances are you've come across a slew of acronyms that you're probably not familiar with. And chances are you've been confused by them at some point, turning to either someone more experienced or the ever-wonderful ShrimpBot on Discord for an explanation. This post is going to be a continually-updated reference for players to look at to find out what acronyms mean and help to learn the Armada shorthand that's so common.

ABN: Always Be Navving/Navigating, a common phrase of advice

ACMs: Assault Concussion Missiles, ordnance 

AF/AFMK2: Assault Frigate/Assault Frigate Mark II, a rebel ship

APTs: Assault Proton Torpedoes, ordnance

AFFM!: All Fighters Follow Me!, a fleet command

AP: Advanced Projectors, a defensive retrofit

AST/Aux Shields: Auxiliary Shields Team, a support team

ATN: Advanced Transponder Net, an offensive retrofit

BCC: Bomber Command Center, a fleet support 

BT: Boarding Troopers, a weapons team/offensive retrofit "boarding team"

DCaps/DipCaps/DisCaps: Disposable Capacitors, an offensive retrofit

DTT: Dual Turbolaser Towers, a turbolaser

EA: Enhanced Armament, a turbolaser

ECM: Electronic Countermeasures, a defensive retrofit

EL: Expanded Launchers, ordnance

EST: Expert Shield Techs, an officer

ET: Engine Techs, a support team

EWS: Early Warning System, a defensive retrofit

ExRacks: External Racks, ordnance

FC: Flight Controllers, a weapons team

FCT: Fighter Coordination Team (a support team) or Fire Control Team (a weapons team), context dependent 

GCW: Galactic Civil War, the period of time where the Rebel and Empire factions exist

HFZ: Heavy Fire Zone, a turbolaser

HIE: Heavy Ion Emplacements, an ion cannon 

HSB: Hyperwave Signal Boost, an offensive retrofit

HTT: Heavy Turbolaser Turrets, a turbolaser

ICB: Ion Cannon Batteries, an ion cannon

IF!: Intensify Firepower!, a fleet command

ISD: Imperial Star Destroyer

LFC: Local Fire Control, a weapons team

LMSU: A variant of MSU (see below) where one or two small ships are replaced by a larger one

LTT: Linked Turbolaser Towers, a turbolaser

LS: Leading Shots, an ion cannon

MSRP: Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price, the general price that one can expect to pay for a product

MSU: Multiple Small Units, a fleet archetype relying on several small ships as opposed to a few large ones

OBPCs: Orbital Bombardment Particle Cannons, a superweapon

OE: Ordnance Experts, a weapons team

OP: Overload Pulse, an ion cannon 

OrdPorgs/OrdPods: Ordnance Pods, ordnance

PDIC: Point-Defense Ion Cannons, an ion cannon

PDR: Point-Defense Reroute, an offensive retrofit

QBT: Quad Battery Turrets, a turbolaser

QLT: Quad Laser Turrets, an offensive retrofit

QTC: Quad Turbolaser Cannons, a turbolaser

RBD: Reinforced Blast Doors, a defensive retrofit

RLB: Rapid Launch Bays, an offensive retrofit

RHD: Reserve Hangar Deck, an offensive retrofit

RR: Rapid Reload, ordnance

RS: Ruthless Strategists, a weapons team

SCBTs/"Scoobies": Superheavy Composite Beam Turbolasers, a superweapon

StM!: Shields to Maximum!, a fleet command

TEA!: Take Evasive Action!, a fleet command

TRC: Turbolaser Reroute Circuits, a turbolaser

WAB: Wide-Area Barrage, ordnance

WBT: Weapon Battery Techs, a weapons team


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